Young Medusa in the Fall

Image: “Wind-Blown Meadow” by Phyllis Meredith. “Young Medusa in the Fall” was written by J.P. Dancing Bear for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, November 2017, and selected as the Artist’s Choice.
this is how I want to become
in November when all the sugar manifests
into colors: all varieties of rust and gold
if the wind catches a strand of hair
breathes life into it, till it writhes and twists
and hisses—so be it
I had my fill of what others call me
what they want me to be, I’m through
with bickering about labels
listen: there is a hint of frost in the air,
if you stop everything, you can hear
crystals forming
I want that—to be that sharp
and hard and cold—to stare you
into stone, if I must
look: I never asked you to follow me
out here, alone and without notice, if you
stay stuck here, don’t expect me to return
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