#26 – Winter 2006



Tribute to the Greatest Generation

Conversations with
Jane Hirshfield & Jack Kornfield


Releasing December 2006, issue #26 celebrated 14 living poets of the Greatest Generation–those born between 1911 and 1924. This was the generation that grew up in the Roaring 20s, tried to find work during the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and gave birth to the Baby Boomers. No generation has had a greater influence on recent American history, and gathering them together to listen to their collective poetic voice is quite worthwhile.

Also in the issue, Alan Fox interviews Jane Hirshfield and Jack Kornfield. In the essay section, Doug Holder profiles Ed Galing, and Gary Lehmann writes about Dorothy Parker.


The Greatest Generation

Peggy Aylsworth Beyond the Headlines
E.G. Burrows Coast Road
Fred Fox Hosanna to Life
Ed Galing Visitation Rites
Colette Inez Stalking ee in the Fifties
Bob Johnston Finished Symphony
Joyce La Mers Night Visitor
Juanita Miller Fallon, Nevada
Leonard Nathan And Have You Also Wished
When I First Saw
Susan Rosenberg Our Adult Grandchildren
Nan Sherman Don’t Ask Me Any Questions
Joan Stern For Good
Phyllis M. Teplitz Everything I Wanted I Had
Doris Vernon Crow and the Artist


Heather Abner Dog Descending a Staircase
Arlene Ang A Driving Student Adjusts the Seat
Rane Arroyo The Screenplay I May Never Write
Walter Bargen Minor Gods
Janalynn Bliss Klimt at the Musée Maillol
Sally Bliumis-Dunn Meaning
Linda Bosson Over the Skyline
Siobhan Brannigan So You Want an Opera Singer…
Bill Brown My Mother’s Soul
R.G. Cantalupo Igloo
Joseph Capista Catch-and-Release Rat Fishing
Patrick Carrington Learning History in Nursery School
Val D. Conder Dark Edges
Jack Conway Songs for Would-Be Suicides
Nina Corwin Up Shit’s Creek With No Sense of Smell
Susan Denning The Fuchsia, the Orange, and the Dahlias
James Doyle The Flippant Zeitgeist
Bob Drojarski Home
Patricia Fargnoli The Nest at Applewood Apartments
Claire Fields Stray Instrument
Alan Fox Glimpse
Patrick Ryan Frank Thalassophobia
Robert Funge Why I Am Not a Scientist
Kate Gale Dangerous Blood IV
Terry Godbey Poison
Chris Green Where Poems Go
Jared Harel When Our Parents Fight
Michael Hettich The Lesson
Jane Hirshfield Those Who Cannot Act
Tom C. Hunley I Can’t Sleep so I’ll Tell You a Story
Lowell Jaeger His Song
David Jordan Let’s Meet Yesterday
Lynne Knight Against Order
Approaching Storm
Frank LaRonca The Death of Irony
Gary Lemons An Aviary of Notions
Christopher Parks Do You Have the Poem?
JoLee G. Passerini Not About Anyone’s Hands
James S. Proffitt On Being a Carpet Installer
Dian Duchin Reed Holy Cats
Lynn Shapiro Sloan-Kettering
Suzume Shi Swing
Red Shuttleworth Postcard to Jerry L. Crawford
Kathleen Walsh Spencer First Frost
Tim Sproul Altar Boy in Tennis Shoes
Mark Taksa Call Loudly When You Leave
Susan Terris Moment Ahead of the Moment
Jeff Vande Zande Sleep Over
Martin Vest The Clinic
Thom Ward The Thing in Question
Charles Harper Webb Examined Life
Mike White Happiness
Basho, Glimpsed
Catherine Wiley Stars and Stripes
Theodore Worozbyt Dinner With the Blues

Rattle Poetry Prize Winner

Sophia Rivkin Conspiracy

Honorable Mentions

Malcolm Alexander Beginner’s Lesson
Steven Brown Whale Bone
Tony Brusate Becoming an Island
Carey Fries Asylum
Diana Goetsch Recess
Marcia LeBeau 1:43 PM
The Making of 1:43 PM
Ken Meisel Car Accident
Glenn Morazzini Sonny’s Song
Richard Vargas And Yet, Another Nature Poem
Elizabeth Volpe Brewing in Eden


 Morris Collins
 Barbara Crooker
 Candice Daquin
 Gayatri Devi
 Diane Lockward
 Arthur McMaster
Joseph Zaccardi


Doug Holder
Gary Lehmann


Jane Hirshfield
Jack Kornfield
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