It’s easy to look away from war
when your wallet’s empty and sink is full,
when the land and people aren’t yours,
when your children scream for more
of you, when your body’s pulled,
it’s easy to look away from war.
The soil across the water to earth’s core
brims blood, but look, the sunflowers still bloom
when the land and people aren’t yours.
So, you focus on the daily chores,
dig out a trench of laundry—linens, wools—
it’s easy to look away from war
with the dog barking, mailman at the door.
Your children speak a stranger’s tongue at school,
the land and people aren’t yours.
How does a house become a shore
no news can reach? Are we that cruel?
Or is it just that easy to look away from war
when the land and people aren’t yours?