Red Fence
ELLEN PECKHAM: “An adolescent, chafing against my provincial environment, I saw Breughel’s winter landscapes and suddenly my geography (snowy fields, […]
ELLEN PECKHAM: “An adolescent, chafing against my provincial environment, I saw Breughel’s winter landscapes and suddenly my geography (snowy fields, […]
KIP DEEDS: “‘Walden, Sprawl, and All’ began with a drawing of a cabin, inspired in part by my own experience
Krista Franklin: “At the heart of my collages is a deep concern for creating complex and interrogative images, dream worlds
DAVID ALPAUGH: “I’m attracted to poetry by its thrilling language—the electricity generated by the A & B of metaphor ‘running
KIP DEEDS: “‘Walden, Sprawl, and All’ began with a drawing of a cabin, inspired in part by my own experience
DIANNE CARROLL BURDICK: “I photographed all the images with black & white film and printed all images on fiber-base black