Performance Without Notes
We were abused by being made to abuse one another: who could stand longest kicked in the crotch? Roll in […]
We were abused by being made to abuse one another: who could stand longest kicked in the crotch? Roll in […]
It doesn’t matter if he forgets sometimes how to speak English, slips back into French, because he doesn’t say much
I currently teach English (at least this semester—you never know) as an adjunct at El Camino College and Cal State Long Beach. The word ‘adjunct’ means a thing added to something else, supplementary and inessential. It’s the outsider status that has always informed my poetry.
Columbia senior Emma Sulkowicz has been hauling her own dorm mattress around campus every day [because] the student she says
he descends. a box, with the old blues records that taught you to say nigga like you knew what it
I went into teaching, obviously, to create a vast network of lackeys reaching beyond their decades of graduation to infiltrate