Two from Searching for the Soul
1. In this room, among men of my generation of athletes, gray haired, aging and aged, Joe Kapp, wild man, […]
1. In this room, among men of my generation of athletes, gray haired, aging and aged, Joe Kapp, wild man, […]
A romantic might see lovers’ footprints—two sets, stride by stride, crisscrossing slopes from tree-sheltered tee boxes in morning’s wet grass
Hold your own hand. See how you can crinkle or stretch it, add years or pull them off. Mystic
Barberry bushes have been trampled all day and some boys along the creek pretending it is the barbed wire of
I know that I was suckered in: firm curves bulging, olive skin, perfectly well-rounded cheeks rubified with port-wine streaks, the
he lies awake open-eyed nightmaring white knuckle gripping vertical green bars in the name of chasing a dream that never