A Hazardous Brush With an Abnormally Extended Feeling of Well-Being
Sometimes you can be so happy and it’s inexplicable,
driving your car down the freeway
or sitting in your kitchen eating an apple
Sometimes you can be so happy and it’s inexplicable,
driving your car down the freeway
or sitting in your kitchen eating an apple
Step 310
Physically present,
mentally absent.
Hey there, Miss Miranda
I don’t know how lucky I feel,
For without a heart to guide me
I don’t know what feelings are real.
For three days, Friday
Plus the weekend,
I pulled up roots.
I wandered
Freely among women in velvet dresses,
Men in cutaways.
To change the way I felt,
I burnt myself today.
Fire cleanses, doesn’t it?
Arson led me astray.
Some men live for others
and make their presence known.
Some men live in isolation
and choose to live alone.