Dad’s Report of a Tornado in Missouri When He Was a Boy
I found a fence post and clung to it, held it Called it “mama,” called it “my sweet Lord” I […]
I found a fence post and clung to it, held it Called it “mama,” called it “my sweet Lord” I […]
As the cancer patients died you smoked Another cigarette down by the dormitory pool, arm Dangling in the airless heat.
It’s amazing where my mind goes as I stand above gurneys. One time a large Mylar balloon. One time arterial
It’s the Day of the Dead. I send out invitations, set extra places at the table. Guests arrive. Everyone is
First of all, I have to confess right off that I never wanted to be a nurse. When other ten-year-old
…I resign’d myself To sit by the wounded and sooth them, or silently watch the dead… I dress the perforated