Why Women’s Knees are So Pretty
In the old days the Blaans believed that a man could not be told apart from a woman. The word […]
In the old days the Blaans believed that a man could not be told apart from a woman. The word […]
for Dave David, for years lost in drug-fogs, opens the throats of stunned lambs. After half
When Norman sent me for the cows I couldn’t bring them in. They stood As if they had all day
Red Shuttleworth A PLASTIC DASHBOARD JESUS? YOU KIDDIN’? I’d rather worm dogs for a living, she said, drunk as ten
Sunday afternoon dust devils chase my horse down a trail Lined with cattle carcasses and sun-bleached bones. Rattlers and scorpions
And sheep are led to the shearing shed. They tumble out, shivering, bleeding. What good to tell them, “look toward