The Morning You Saw a Train of Stars Streaking Across the Sky
five years and you forgot
the excitement of being on a mountain.
early morning, before the hunt, blurred hours
between night and day.
five years and you forgot
the excitement of being on a mountain.
early morning, before the hunt, blurred hours
between night and day.
can you write about me?
tell your readers i was the last
ndn to stand on that rock before they blasted
crazy horse’s face into its cracks and flat slopes.
What did you eat today, Mom?
She says tuna.
The correct answer is crust from a lemon
pound cake she shredded with her chewed fingers
then puzzled together.
Again, he climbs the three-step
step stool, pauses to catch his breath,
then folds his five-foot-four
inches over
then over and scooches
against the bumpy ice.
If your right hand offends, chop it off,
throw it away. Better for you
to lose one part of yourself than
suffer your whole body to burn.