On this bed of chilled steel, I am the morning’s work, your project after coffee and, oh yes, some woman’s […]
On this bed of chilled steel, I am the morning’s work, your project after coffee and, oh yes, some woman’s […]
The way my father told the story, it wasn’t Jack who climbed the Beanstalk. It was my sister and I.
Paint the ceiling blue and let it dry. See pamphlet “How to Paint a Ceiling.” Chalk a large circle to
The only thing I know is they can crawl, swim, and bite like hell. —“Chas” Howard, Beautiful Swimmers And this, then,
I was thinking No. No, oh no. Not one more thing.
I was thinking my mother, who sat rigid
in the passenger seat crying, How terrible!
as if we had hit a child not your front bumper,
Hawks circle fields near the highwayhoming in to catch the scentof animals deep in the high dry grass.So many wildflowers