Author name: Rattle


Yard Sale Chair

There’s not a yard sale

I can just drive past.

At this one, I’m hooked

by an easy chair: $3.

Audio, Poems


One of the reasons I fell in love
with my husband is every once
in a while, he uses a word I read
somewhere, but I had never heard
out loud.



At the four-way stop I wave you on,
a kindness. You wave no no, you go. I wave, go.
We keep on. You insist. Me: no you,
please. A bird shifts, a sigh.

Audio, Awards, Poems, Poetry Prize


First time I watch my sister set a fire
she’s twelve & I’se eight. Mama & Daddy leave
fa a card party, which mean Rosie & Billy
flee fa they secret flames

Audio, Poems

Field Hospital

What young men won’t do, my father wondered,
scalpel in hand, his army drabs stained red,
catching his breath beneath his surgeon’s mask

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