Author name: Rattle

Awards, Poems, Poetry Prize


I don’t remember if the bottle was a Coke or a Fresca,
just that the glass was cool against our hands
in the warm, empty tool shed.

Audio, Irish Poets, Poems, Tributes


though a child, you became a god
when you lit your first fire.

learning almost nothing to be unburnable
was how you learned love, finance,
the charms of delinquency, and war.


Cold Tea

Come upon later,
like a dream recalled at lunchtime.
Dark as deep water, bone cold.

Audio, Irish Poets, Poems, Tributes


I make an excuse to go to the village. I grab my bag—the one with the zip-pocket stuffed with scrunched coils of undone Polo rolls and loose mints buried like eggs in a nest of popped blister packs, body spray, cheap lighters, and a bottle of that green Lidl hand sanitizer that eats all regretful scent except the chemical afternotes of itself.

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