Author name: Rattle

Audio, NFT Poets, Poems, Tributes

Welcome to Paradise

Playa El Zonte, a small town in El Salvador nicknamed “Bitcoin Beach,” became one of the first locales in the country to accept Bitcoin as a payment method, and inspired the country’s adoption of Bitcoin as a legal tender.

Audio, Poems

Queridas Tías,

Snow falls like fists. Mamá sends Cesar, Tita, and me out to play, build snowmen, like the kids on TV, but Cesar puts it down my coat, makes me scream.



A goat full of Camel cigarette butts / is a wormed goat, people said.

Audio, NFT Poets, Poems

Mammal One

A spoken-word poem by Ana María Caballero visualized via a series of works coded in p5js that convey pregnant time—with its sensations of inevitability, vulnerability, and physical entrapment. Written in Caballero’s signature straightforward style, this text forms part of her prize-winning manuscript Mammal.

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