The Breaks
I’ve a friend who says, “Treat anything mechanical
as if it’s just about to break.”
I’ve a friend who says, “Treat anything mechanical
as if it’s just about to break.”
Your cheek turns, Christ-like
from your buddy with the buddha
belly blowing chemicals
on crowds of my students.
Think what it must have been like for her, caged
in her tower, the small window cut into dark
stone, the hours it took to brush
Image: “Night Train” by Gerrie Paino. “Tracks” was written by Matthew Murrey for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, April 2024, and selected as the Artist’s Choice.
Remember the first apartment we chose? When it was time
for us to finally live together and we had to find something fast
and imperfect. With the landlord who barged in every time we were too
loud—I think she had an 8 p.m. bedtime.