Author name: Rattle

Audio, Poems, Prompt Poem of the Month

White Rabbit

Late, I rush down the stairs. Distraction, tiredness, hunger, an error in muscle-memory, whatever the cause, I miscalculate the steps. My foot dangles, leather-clad toes seeking, yearning for something not there.

Audio, Poems

Grief Dog

I keep thinking of dogs, of how I could use
some company, a breathing thing
to fill the space you left, the sound of the door
you slammed still in my ears,
the smell of your perfume still in the air.

Poems, Young Poets

A Cut-up Mango

Cutting into the deep of this fruit, sweet and sour, just like nostalgia,
you reach to an ending point: meeting at the middle, a pit.
Flat. Long. And spread out. Thin. People usually slice it.

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