Author name: Olivier

Poems, Poets Respond

Sea Devil

It was not curiosity so much as
a calling that brought the fish
paddling up through the gradient
of ocean, the hideous yaw
of her mouth opened as if
in astonishment, exposing
the rows & rows of teeth

Audio, Poems


The mountains here feel like they’d rather be elsewhere,
so ground down at this point they look like hills.
Hate to call a mountain a hill and erase
the promise of smoothing this view,
this time span, these mumbled
ranges could offer us.


The Invisible Stenographer Listens to the Dead

The Invisible Stenographer is a persona that found me a few years ago. Some people say poetry can’t change a life, but I beg to differ. She (the Gregg shorthand gal) kept me going at a time when my life was horrible. She was fun to write about, crazy, sometimes terribly sad. I’m giving her an awful lot of credit and it sounds ridiculous, I know …

Audio, Poems

Year Six

The horizon rebuffed
our hopes.

She stopped going outside.
Her bedroom blinds

became tourniquets
tightening light to slits.


Club Escape

The long line leaning toward the doorman’s crossed
and tattooed arms, the stamp of stymied heels,
the sighed frustration of the vape-exhaust,
the outright bribes and liner-eyed appeals

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