At the End

How can one ever begin at the end?
—Death is regeneration at the end
Waiz lives piety, prays five times a day
He knows not the joys of sin at the end
How do I sin—I am no Catholic
I will have no confession at the end
I am Muslim but don’t bow at the mosque
Will He give me salvation at the end?
Try but you cannot kill me, I’m Hindu
I have reincarnation at the end
Please bury me next to the synagogue
I too faced crucifixion at the end
The Pharaohs built palatial pyramids
They’d go in style they’d reckon at the end
Don’t burn, don’t bury, sink me in the sea
Maaz, no commemoration at the end

Notes: Waiz, in Urdu from Arabic, means preacher, homilist, adviser, admonisher, exhorter. Maaz is my takhallus (penname), from Arabic, and means asylum, refuge.

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