“Cuernavaca, Mexico” by Faith Gomez

Faith Gomez (age 10)


Here I am in the photo, pigtails
tied with mini silk pom-poms,
left hand on chin,
shoes like pink roses,
my dress with a big bow
tied as if I were a present.

My brother, Jacob,
wearing his first fancy pants.
Behind him,
my mother in her white dress
on her wedding day,
her smile as big as an upside-down rainbow,
full of color and joy.
Next to her is my dad,
the two of them like turtle doves.

Three years later,
I imagine him
still as a marble statue,
still in Mexico, waiting
for permission to return,
waiting alone
without us
like an abandoned house.

from 2016 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Faith Gomez: “I like to write poems because they help me express my feeling to people in a strong way. I also like to write them because they are like art. You can draw a picture in the people’s minds.”

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